Dear customers, we offer you original products, you will surely find your favorite choices with us.

Dear customers, we offer you original products, you will surely find your favorite choices with us.

About us

§ To Admires the craft §

CraftsMarrakech online store of handicrafts created by Oussama bout, a young Moroccan born in a family of artisans and having grown up in the souks of the medina of Marrakech, after having a degree in promotion of territorial heritage with tourist value at the University Cadi Ayad Marrakech, he decided then to reproduce this atmosphere of the souk in an online store. 

  Indeed, the word medina is used in the Maghreb countries to designate the old quarter of the city.

 A magical place where all the artisans and small traders gather to form souks specialized in several  types of crafts Copper, Leather, Pottery, Textiles, Plant products, Wood, Various.) 

 Each of our partners has a history with their job, people experienced and specialized , we make a collaboration between family to transform our art heritage with people, you find at us unique products that are made once, we make custom products according to your choice. 

 Visit our store and you will make a trip in the souks of the medinas of Morocco, we will make you discover all these wonders on CraftsMarrakech. 

Many of our handicrafts are made in our workshop by craftsmen of our family in Marrakaech - Morocco .

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